

Disciples of Christ is coming through town in January. It will be a nasty one for sure. Sacridose will also be playing this ripper. They have a new 7" out and they will have them there so pick one up. It's good. Also, the members of some notable local bros are in Crowd Bites Wolf.

In other news, Nick, our bassist, had left the band after we recorded the LP. He did a great job on the recording (kidding), so we decided to leak, no pun intended, a little video of some things that happened last time we played in Miami. What happens in Miami, sometimes stays in Miami. Hopefully this will go viral and pay for the LP to come out.

-Huff Harvest


Bass Players

We are currently looking for a bassist. If you're interested in playing with us, you must have good equipment or be really good at stealing, you must be able to "hang", and if the person in this picture make you hard don't bother applying. EMAIL US IF YOU'RE INTERESTED AT godharvest@hotmail.com


Recording News, Distro Update, Show News, Boners

It's been a little while since we've had a productive post, practice, or frankly anything. After our last post of the show cancellation we ( I ) wasn't sure what was to come of the band. So, here we are. 

First, the LP is starting to come around. We recorded it live minus the vocals. Tyler is going back into the studio to finish up the vocals in a couple days. We're really excited about it. It's not a big departure from our original sound, but the recording being live brings out a lot more raw shit that we're good at. Mark, at Atomic Audio Recording Studios is the best dad and producer we could ever ask for. The LP consists of a couple songs from our past, and 6 brand new songs. We really aren't too worried about what you think about it. We like it. So were only pressing 5 copies. I'm kidding. I will be posting some pressing info when the shit is actually finished. Let's call it "long awaited"...

Second, as far as shows go, we are keeping our schedule pretty sparse unless something awesome comes through. Maybe one show in the next couple months...that's it.

The 7"s for distro orders have dropped in price again to $15 for 5, and are more than affordable. Hit it up and grab a couple copies for you and your family. Store link- http://tackhead.bigcartel.com/product/distro-orders-5-cogs-sprockets-god-harvest-split-7

- Unproductive Harvest


Show(s) recap, Recording news, Videos

It's been a little while since our last update, and I apologize. We've played a couple great shows recently. One with Disciples of Christ, and a local (kinda) show. Firstly, we never play locally this close together so it was real a shit move, but they were too fun to not play.

Disciples of Christ recap- The show itself was an awesome line-up from start to finish. Sacridose's set was cool, and DOC was fucking better than ever. If you missed this one, it was a shameful mistake.

Mojos show - Alright, this show is without a doubt a weirdo line-up of all sorts of styles of music which is one of my favorite types of shows to play. One band had a neck tattoo that stated simply "PUNKS", another used head mics. All over the place. It was fun as hell though. Murder Suicide Pact's front man, Bob, randomly throwing himself around the damn place and breaking boards over his face was a definite highlight. Exhibit A- Link. Nazi Dust isn't edge any more so their hype is even stronger now. XquitersX. Overall a good night. Thanks to Joe for putting us on.

We are currently booked to record on Sunday, March 24th. We will be recording our LP that we've essentially been writing for the better part of the year now. It will include 2 songs from the demo, the 3 tracks from the 7", and about 5 or 6 new songs. We, as always, will be recording at Atomic Audio in Tampa because my dad is better than your dad.

Here is some footage from the show at Mojo's Books. It has basically every song we'll be recording on it.

Reading Rainbow Harvest